Dental Veneers at Dental Smiles Chelmsford

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Veneers are a layer of thin porcelain that is bonded to the front surface of a tooth. They are used to cover cosmetic issues with your front teeth such as tooth position, shape or colour.

Your Dental Veneers Journey

1. Consultation

The first step on your treatment journey with Dental Smiles Chelmsford is an in-depth consultation. It helps us to assess your smile, allows us to look over your dental history, and ensures you can discuss your dental veneers in advance.

2. Treatment

A small amount of tooth preparation is needed so that is the correct shape for the veneer but this is often as minimal as is possible. It is also possible to have composite resin veneers and these are often bonded directly to the tooth surface with often no or little tooth preparation. An impression of the tooth is taken to create the veneer and whilst the veneer is being expertly created in the laboratory, a temporary veneer is placed to prevent sensitivity. In the next stage of treatment, the veneers are bonded to the teeth. An anaesthetic is administered to help manage any discomfort.

3. Aftercare

We are committed to dental excellence – so your dental care doesn’t end when we put down our tools. With veneers it’s important to maintain good oral hygiene, attend regular check-ups, and avoid chewing hard foods to prevent damage to the veneers. Finally, some dentists recommend wearing a mouthguard at night, to prevent any clenching or grinding during sleep, as well as during contact sports.

Book an in-clinic consultation, a virtual consultation or call today on 01245 251198

If your smile is less-than-perfect and you want to restore your natural sparkle, dental veneers can help you achieve a beautiful smile, fast. We can assess if dental veneers are the best way for you to achieve your smile goals. We will also assess your smile for the other options available.

What Conditions Can Veneers Treat?

Dental veneers are typically used to disguise cosmetic flaws, often simultaneously, such as:

  • Severe intrinsic discolouration

  • Chipped, gapped, or cracked teeth

  • Slightly crooked teeth

Benefits of Porcelains Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a wafer thin ceramic shell that is cemented to the front of your teeth. The dental veneers are fabricated off-site using impressions of your mouth to ensure a custom fit. 

The ultra-thin construction ensures they blend seamlessly with your natural teeth. A small amount of enamel is shaved off your tooth during the treatment to accommodate the veneer shell. Porcelain veneers also have a similar luminosity to your natural teeth, ensuring a realistic look. The porcelain is resistant to staining and chips and lasts longer than composite veneers. 

Benefits of Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are created using acrylic resin applied in thin layers and hardened using a blue curing light. The veneers are then shaped and polished to mimic your natural smile.  

Composite veneers are crafted in the dentist’s chair, so you can restore the look of your smile in a single session, and require almost no tooth preparation. They are also the most affordable type of veneers and can last from 5 to 10 years.

Enjoy a Natural Smile with Dental Smiles Chelmsford

For people who want to achieve an even and bright smile, dental veneers are an excellent way to enhance your smile. Book an appointment at Dental Smiles Chelmsford on 01245 251198 for a consultation.

Restore Your Smile at Dental Smiles Chelmsford

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Book Your Virtual Consultation

Embark on a journey towards achieving the smile you've always dreamed of with our easy-to-use virtual consultation service.

Here's how it works:

  • Simple and Convenient
    Upload your photos and choose a date and time that fits into your schedule.

  • In-Depth Discussion
    Our virtual consultation is more than a ‘chat'; it's a comprehensive exploration of your dental goals and concerns.

  • Transparent Information
    We'll provide you with a clear understanding of the potential costs associated with the treatment options you're interested in.